TAC - HowSafeIsYourCar.com.au
Car… Stuff Simplified.
Role – Creative Director (Freelance)
Agency – The Taboo Group
Output – Online video series
Taking the reins mid-gallop, I helped elevate the creative before guiding the project through the entire production process to deliver a set of funny, social-first films that got people smiling and thinking about their current or next car’s safety features.
When it comes to the ABC of vehicle safety technologies, most people are CAF (confused as…). This series needed to entertain while also getting people aware of car’s safety features; complexly explained by our ‘boffin’ comedian, Greg Larsen, before being neatly explained by our simplifier, comedian, Emma Holland.
Ultimately, when car owners headed to howsafeisyourcar.com.au, they would find more detailed information (along with other demonstration videos and modules I also helped create), meaning they could make an informed choice about safety when purchasing their next car, or see where their current car stacks up